If you run, you NEED to be working on your IT Band. Your IT band (iliotibial band), if not stretched properly can cause knee pain, and can limit your runs. You will be doing 4 rolls total down [...]
This is a basic pec major stretch. This stretch would be good for just about everyone. Because of our modern lifestyle our pecs have become shortened. This causes poor posture and rounded [...]
We use our forearm flexors for most of the things we do. Hanging, typing, driving, holding onto … well anything. With all of that use, we need to stretch out the forearm flexors of the wrist and [...]
Most people don’t breathe correctly. A lot of people will breathe with either their abdominal muscles or with their neck and shoulder muscles causing a decrease in athletic performance and [...]
Your mid back needs to be able to move through its full range of motion for you to be able to move correctly and to allow for proper scapular (shoulder blade) motion. If your thoracic spine (mid [...]
If you sit all day long or just finished a workout this hip flexor stretch is for you. Do twice daily, and hold for 45-60 seconds for each side. If there is pain, stop, and call reach out to our [...]
Do 30 of these (15 on each side). This is a great warm-up before squats, deadlifting, or going for a run. If you do this hip stretch, you will have less hip pain and notice an increased range of [...]