A structural shift is a primary condition where there is an imbalance in the fascial lines of your body and or boney misalignments in your spine or extremities.
Fascia refers to the body-wide collagenous web that surrounds every muscle, most organs, and even the brain. Fascial lines run from the bottom of your foot to the top of your head and everywhere in between in 12 major lines. If there is unbalanced tension in any one of these lines, at any point in the line, it will cause problematic secondary conditions.
Normal vs. Abnormal Structural Balance
To understand how our approach stands out, it’s helpful to start with the basics: what defines normal versus abnormal structural balance in the body.
Imagine a suspension bridge to help visualize this concept.
In Photo A, we see “Normal” balance. The tension and compression structures are working in harmony, maintaining stability and alignment across the bridge. This balance is crucial, as it allows the bridge to function optimally, much like the body’s alignment supports health and well-being.

Photo B illustrates “Abnormal” structural balance.
In this image, the suspension bridge has been compromised due to an imbalance between its compression and tension elements. Over time, this irregular strain weakened the bridge’s structural integrity, leading to issues such as instability, unequal weight distribution, and ultimately, collapse.
The same principle applies to the human body. Like a suspension bridge, our bodies rely on a delicate balance between compression structures (our bones) and tension structures (ligaments, muscles, and tendons). When this balance is disrupted, it can create a range of secondary conditions, from pain and discomfort to more serious functional issues.
Many patients come to us after experiencing these secondary symptoms, having found limited relief through other treatments. If you’re struggling with unresolved symptoms, structural shifts may be affecting your health. Contact us today to learn how we can help restore balance to your body and alleviate these secondary conditions.